Thursday, February 10, 2022

15 Stunningly Realistic Watercolor Paintings from Steve Hanks

Realistic Watercolor Paintings : Steve Hanks watercolor paintings are realistic and extra-ordinary in terms of perfection and style. He is titled as one of the best artists working today using watercolor. The color, light and realism of Steve Hanks' paintings are a miracle in this tough medium. This gifted artist was born in San Diego in 1949.  He tried different mediums including acrylics, oils and watercolor. Most of his works are an example for "emotional realism". When you examine his paintings, you may notice one common factor that he left the faces turned away or obscured so that viewer's imagination goes up to sky and there is room for the entire figure to completely express the emotion. scroll through to see his realistic Watercolor Paintings,
Read Full Post here: Realistic Watercolor Paintings
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