Saturday, February 5, 2022

20 Animal themed Illusion Body Painting Art Ideas by Emma Fay

Body Painting Art: Emma Fay is a British concept body artist who is the proud owner of many stunning creations. When you look at Emma Fay's painting art, the first thing that crosses your mind is, animals, but if you take a closer look, you can see that they are human models who have been painted upon to look like animals. Human bodies are replicated into animals and even famous historical buildings. Sometimes it makes you think that these people are highly deformed to be portrayed as an eight legged octopus. Using water based paints, sponge, brushes and willing volunteers, Emma Fay brings out beautiful concept art, which is sure to blow your mind away. Enjoy the beautiful body paintings artworks by Emma Fay and be amazed. Bookmark this page for more such stunning and entertaining artworks.

Read Full Post here: Animal Themed Body Paintings Emma Fay
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