Saturday, February 5, 2022

Inspiring Comic Relationship Illustrations of Yehuda Devir - Husband and Wife

The magical moments of everyday life are converted into comical illustrations by Tel Aviv based artist Yehuda Devir.  All his illustrations are based on real-life exchanges between him and his wife Maya.  Devir's illustrations resemble comic style with dynamic lines, bold colour palette and emphatic typography.  Even the not so special moments are recreated into amazing and energy-filled illustrations with bold colours and exaggerated poses.  This unique collection of their couple illustrations is named One of Those Days by Yehuda.  Devir finds inspiration in every single interaction with his wife and converts them into energetic illustrations.  Few illustrations of Devir's relationship comics are shared below.

Read Full Post here: Inspiring Comic Relationship Illustrations of Yehuda Devir - Husband and Wife
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