Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Top 20 Crazy and funny jobs of people around the world


Funny Jobs: Some people have the most craziest and funny jobs in the world and yes they do get paid. Did you know that poison tasting was job even from ancient times. Vladimir Putin is reported to have hired the services of 'food tasters' who travel with him and taste his food. Apparently every dish inspected by a medically-qualified professional sampler, who makes sure that it is completely safe to eat. During a trip to London, George Bush hired two former FBI agents to taste all his dishes before he consumed them. Golf ball divers is also a job, if a golf ball falls into the sea or lake, these divers jump in and get the job done. I am sure you are what?!! but yes this a real job. Have fun scrolling through the crazy funny jobs which are for real.

Read Full Post here: Top 20 Crazy and funny jobs of people around the world
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