Wednesday, May 12, 2021

16 Strangely Distorted Cat Collage Art works by Lola Dupre

The distorted cats collage art is a pet project of artist Lola Dupre. She is a London based artist and her love for cats is clearly shown through her collage art. Charlie the cat is part of her loving family, even though she is a rescue cat. The different emotions and movements of her pet cat is beautifully captured through the collage art portraits. Sometimes it's funny to see the expressions on Charlie, when he gets a glimpse of himself as a distorted collage art. Lola Dupre's collage art has been featured in several top magazines like Time, Hunger, and she has worked as an illustrator for several top magazines like Penguin books, Nike Basketball and more. Her distorted face portraits are the highlight of her illustrations. 

Read Full Post here: Collage Art Charlie Cat Animals Lola Dupre
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